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Lower Sac: , by Ben Thompson: Quality Rainbows: 4 stars

Had a great day on the lower sac with these two including a first timer. After going over some basics in the morning the first timer picked it up pretty well and we had a fun day. Properly teaching a beginner how to cast, mend and fight fish is important for them to have success that day and onward. The hatches were not as prolific as the day before but plenty of quality fish were caught and they both caught their PB sac fish. Fish ate a bunch of different bugs mostly caddis and mayflies. The current storm rolling in should be over by March 1st which will get the bugs fired back up and we should have some excellent fishing throughout March up top before the sundial section closes April 1st. 

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Next 10 open days for Ben Thompson: Aug 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
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