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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Yep, the Lower Sac is fishing good: 3 stars

While I've mostly been on the Trinity chasing steelhead, I've had a few days interspersed over on the Lower Sac. Avi and Vic came up from LA and after I picked 'em up at the airport, we hit the river. While the boys were completely new to fly fishing, after some instruction on casting (aka, the Lower Sac flip flop), mending, and overall line control, we started fishing. Two minutes into the float, Vic hooked into a REALLY big fish that CHOMPED one of his flies and made a bee line up river and wrapped him into a snag. With a deep sigh, everything broke off. Bummerville. But you can't learn how to fight fish if you don't hook fish and loose 'em, right?

The bite didn't really get going until around 11am, but for the next four hours, it was solid. I think we figured out the bugs they were eating when I threw an audible and went searching through the fly box. I can't tell you the name of the fly but I will tell you that it rhymes with paddis. Which one, you ask? For job security purposes, I can't say. But it was game on.

As a reminder, avoid fishing clear spawning spots right now because the trout are definitely on the spawn. If you see gravel, don't cast. I saw a few pods of fish that were obviously spawning but if you happen to be new to the sport, do a little research on trout spawning and try and avoid targeting those fish.

Also, wait until you see the mouth of Clear Creek. Wow. Huge change. Exciting. But wow. That's all I'll say.

Anyway, the Sac should starting pick up with PMD's soon. We didn't see a lot of bugs, unfortunately. A handful of BWO's came off and a couple caddis, but mostly it was a guessing game. That should all change as the weather warms up.

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