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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: The Lower Sac is a TROUT FACTORY: 4 stars

Our morning started out a little slower than I'd have liked, but by 11am, things were cooking! The Lower Sac gives and takes away but mostly it gives. I did a LOT of backrowing on this trip, but I'm happy to report that we did nearly twenty passes on a piece of water and at the very minimum hooked a fish... and sometimes we even landed 'em! Ha ha! Highlight of the day was putting a 24 inch fish in the net... boy did it fight hard! This time of the year is some of my favorite fishing on the Sac due to it being when we land some of the biggest fish of the year! Let's get out there!

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Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jan 21, 22, 23, 24, Feb 5, 10, 24, 26, 27, 28
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