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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: We don’t need salmon to catch fish!: 4 stars

Cyndi and Don, members of the Granite Bay Flycasters, came up to fish the Lower Sac with me yesterday and the broken record continues: it fished well.

While everyone is anxiously waiting for salmon to show up, the river is fishing just fine without them. A few fish are being caught on egg imitations but plenty of fish are eating bugs! You just have to figure out what they are eating and get to it. Here is a hint: tiny is good.

Cyndi and Don did really well and we hooked fish most of the day. Even at the very end, Cyn put a nice fish in the net in a run that hasn't been very productive lately. She just couldn't NOT catch fish. Don and I enjoyed watching her put on a clinic several times!

Highlight of the day was also a really crazy thing I haven't seen before on the Sac -- Don hooked TWO fish at the same time! While he was fighting a fish we realized that he had TWO 18 inch fish on. Unfortunately, one shook off and he only landed one of them. An 18 inch fish is a tough consolation prize ??

If you are wondering whether or not you should come up and fish, the answer is yes. Most days have been pretty great!

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Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Nov 19, 26, Dec 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17
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