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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Caddis crunchers on the Lower Sac: 4 stars

Steve came up from LA to spend a day with me on the Lower Sac and we had a fantastic day! Yes, I know... I sound like a broken record but I don't think it's possible to minimize how awesome this tailwater fishery is. We hooked five fish in the first ten minutes in one spot alone and I immediately thought to myself, "Oh my... this is gonna be one of those days." And the river didn't disappoint. We hooked a lot of fish throughout the day until the late afternoon shut down. The last couple of others were definitely slow but the previous morning and early afternoon was hard to beat. Three words: caddis, caddis, and more caddis. The vast majority of our fish were eating poopahs and the rest were on tiny flies across the spectrum of the "too-small-for-human-eyes" flies!

Steve was really fun to fish with. Great caster... greater hook setter... great conversationalist... everything was great... until late afternoon. Then it got slow and we were melting and it was time to wrap up the day.

I can't wait to get out there tomorrow and it's not too late to book some days in August! Or September! Or October! Let's go!

Throw some spey casts out there too!
Throw some spey casts out there too!
Oh la la!
Oh la la!
Notice the fog… that’s what happens when you put the phone in the cooler
Notice the fog… that’s what happens when you put the phone in the cooler
Yes yes yes!
Yes yes yes!
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Sep 24, Nov 15, 19, 25, 26, Dec 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
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