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Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Lower Sac is kicking out some nice fish… again!: 3 stars

The morning started out with Colin having the hot rod and putting some really healthy and thick Lower Sac 'bows in the net. For whatever reason, Scott struggled to get the job done from the front, so we made sure to keep razzing him. After all, that's pretty much what friends and guides are for, right? Maybe Scott was rusty... or maybe he was just giving Colin a chance to catch some fish... but mostly I think he was just annoyed by hearing Colin say, "Oh wow... I hooked another one... this one is really nice" Ha ha! But things would flip around and by the afternoon, Colin was wondering what happened and Scott caught some really nice fish from the front of the boat. Other than about six caddis, we didn't see a single bug. That being said, the fish were eating across the insect buffet line and we caught fish on the typical summer Lower Sac menu: rubber legs, caddis, and some small BWO offerings. We had a REALLY great day and I hope I get to fish with these guys again! There's nothing like childhood friends getting on a boat and chasing some big 'bows here in Northern California! Let's go!

Houston, we have a problem!
Houston, we have a problem!
Scott with a nice Lower Sac specimen.
Scott with a nice Lower Sac specimen.
Another handful of trout!
Another handful of trout!
Hooked up!
Hooked up!
Two handers!
Two handers!
Gorgeous fish for Colin
Gorgeous fish for Colin
The first fish of the day was a dandy!
The first fish of the day was a dandy!
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jul 29, 30, 31, Aug 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
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