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View All Fishing Reports

Klamath Basin: , by Dylan Woodrum: Klamath Basing fishing report : 3 stars

We are off and running with our summer fishery in the Klamath Basin. We have had a wet and cold spring this year bringing much needed precipitation to the Klamath Basin. The added moistures has raised the rivers and cooled the lake. I would expect the first batch of lake fish to start their migration up the Williamson River in early July. When they first show in the river it takes them a while to shed their feeding habits established in the lake. This provides a great opportunity to hook one of these lake brutes on the swing. When the fish first show up I typically like to target fish with leeches, minnow patterns and damsels nymphs. Fished with a clear full sink intermediate line on the swing. The first two weeks of July conveniently also marks the beginning of the famed Hex hatch on the Williamson River. Just in time for the newly arrived lake fish.

For the stillwater enthusiast out there, July marks the beginning of our season to  target large redband trout in Pelican Bay and Agency lake. We will use a variety of strategies to catch these picky fish; Chironomids, balanced leeches, seal buggers, minnow patterns in lowlight and caddis pupa are all used this time of year. though relatively unknown and unpressured, Upper Klamath Lake and Agencey Lake are one of the premier stillwater fisheries in the nation.


We have plenty of open dates in July or August if you want to test your skills against some of the biggest trout in the lower 48.


Williamson River redband
Williamson River redband
Agency Lake redband
Agency Lake redband
Next 10 open days for Dylan Woodrum: Oct 20, 26, 27, Nov 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 29, 30
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