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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Crushing the Lower Sac, Euro Dorking the Upper: 4 stars

Chuck came up to do a day on both the Lower and Upper Sacramento River, so due to the wind and weather, we decided to start on the Lower and end on the Upper.

The Lower Sac was ridiculous. From 10am until 3:30pm, the fish were CRUSHING what we were throwing, which was a combination of rubber legs, caddis, and mayflies. It didn't really seem to matter what we had on, though we definitely got rejected when using suck spawn yarn. Chuck is a Lower Sac pro and he caught LOTS of fish... including a handful of 18 inch fish (three in one spot). The Lower Sac is an incredible fishery.

We spent day number two on the Upper Sac with ONE goal: dial in the euro dorking nymphing, haha. We spent a lot of the morning working out the proper way to build a Euro nymph leader using a variety of materials and then got to dialing in the casting (flipping? chucking? flinging?). By the end of the day Chuck had the Euro game down.

Unfortunately the fishing was the typical "cold water" Upper Sac, meaning that it was fairly slow. The water temp was 52 degrees and we didn't really start having grabs until the afternoon when the temps got a little warmer. It was 66 degrees outside and the water was still only 54 by the time we left. Flow wise, it was around 650cfs. The cold weather spell we had definitely slowed the fishing down from the past couple weeks. Still no salmon flies and beside one lone stone fly, no big bugs to speak of. Soon, tho. Soon.

Chuck and I have had some really amazing days on the Sac and Trinity... and now his Euro rod game has begun, so I imagine he'll have more in the future!

A caddis eating lower sac trout
A caddis eating lower sac trout
First lower sac fish of the day was 18 inches
First lower sac fish of the day was 18 inches
Chuck ready to begin his Euro dork journey
Chuck ready to begin his Euro dork journey
Fish the Upper Sac juice!
Fish the Upper Sac juice!
Lower Sac
Lower Sac
Upper Sac rubber legs
Upper Sac rubber legs
Casting a euro rod is pretty fun
Casting a euro rod is pretty fun
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jan 21, 22, 23, 24, Feb 5, 10, 24, 26, 27, 28
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