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Trinity River: , by Luke Geraty: Steelhead and brown trout on the Trinity!: 3 stars

Why not go steelheading when the temperature is in the mid-twenties? Oh... yeah... because your rod guides freeze and casting is more challenging! Well Mike and Allen joined me for a couple of days on the Trinity and our first day was cold, cold, cold! "Hey Luke... my reel isn't working. Do you think it's broke?", Mike asked me. "No," I replied, "It's frozen." Thankfully the sun poked it's way out and we survived the first day! Allen threw bombs with his spey rod but sadly wasn't able to connect with a #metalface. He did, however, catch a really nice wild hen on a golden stone fly. She fought REALLY well and was definitely a hot fresh fish, taking line, going deep, etc. She proved her grit by managing to jump out of Allen's hands just when we were going to grab a picture! But the thing that matters took place -- he hooked it, fought it, and got to shake her hand. Day two was a big warmer and through we didn't land an adult STEELHEAD, we did get a brownie! Not seeing as many of those these days, but when you do, it's like catching a unicorn of unicorns. It absolutely CRUSHED the pheasant tail Allen was using. Mike didn't hook a steelhead but he definitely fished hard, made lots of casts, and set on all of the bumps that we were hoping were steelhead. Did I mention that we could REALLY use some rain?

Throwing bombs!
Throwing bombs!
Brown town!
Brown town!
Mike trying to stay warm!
Mike trying to stay warm!
Steelhead are the fish of a thousand casts!
Steelhead are the fish of a thousand casts!
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