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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Brian Kohlman: Here's to 2022!: 3 stars

Today begins a new year and I can’t think of a better way to ring in 2022 than going fishing!  Fishing the lower Sac on New Year’s Day is how my guests Ron and Steve planned to kick off their 2022. This time of year, the Sac is more about quality than quantity, so you need to know that from the start. They both hooked nice fish before Steve landed a beautiful 18” fish. Then it happened - Steve hooked into a fish that did whatever it wanted, and he could only hang on and hope for the best. Once it was in the net, we realized this was the fish of a lifetime! The photos don’t show just how large this fish is. It taped right at 26” and was one of the fattest fish I’ve seen on the Sac! 

What are your goals for 2022? My goal is to fish more. I hope everyone has that same goal and we would love to take you fishing!

Happy New Year to Steve!
Happy New Year to Steve!
Next 10 open days for Brian Kohlman: Jan 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
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