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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Kevin Kay: Summer on the Sac : 3 stars

Pat gave his grandson Brad a fishing trip for Christmas and we finally got them out there. Better late than never! It’s been blistering hot here for weeks so we got an early start. Brad had never been fly fishing before so after a brief training session off we went! The morning grab was very slow, in contrast to my last time out. The fish finally woke up around 10 and we started to get hookups with some regularity with some lulls in between. We finished the day with a nice double and got off the river just as the heat became intense. Stay cool!

Rollin’ down the river
Rollin’ down the river
Pat with a nice wild Lower Sac rainbow
Pat with a nice wild Lower Sac rainbow
Hooked up
Hooked up
Next 10 open days for Kevin Kay: Jan 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
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