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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Kevin Kay: Good Fishing, Great Family Time: 3 stars

Sons Michael and Steven brought their parents Jim and Sandy up to fish the Lower Sac. It was Jim’s birthday present! None of the four had ever fly fished before. After casting and mending 101 off we went! I had Sandy and Michael in my boat, Ben Thompson had Jim and Steven. The morning was super slow but the bite turned on after lunch and by the end of the day everyone had landed multiple wild rainbow trout. If you can follow a few simple directions (okay, maybe not so simple) we’re going to hook you up with some of these beautiful ‘bows. And more importantly they all got to enjoy it together as a family.

Sandy started out small and worked her way up
Sandy started out small and worked her way up
Jim ripping one
Jim ripping one
After a long battle.....
After a long battle.....
All smiles
All smiles
Sandy hooked up again!
Sandy hooked up again!
First trip in the new boat
First trip in the new boat
Thumbs up!
Thumbs up!
Nice one Michael!
Nice one Michael!
Next 10 open days for Kevin Kay: Oct 23, 24, 28, 30, 31, Nov 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
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