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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Fun times on the Sac: 3 stars

For people new to the fly fishing world, it can feel a bit daunting, overwhelming, and outright impossible. But Jessica was determined to give it a try and join the seasoned fly fishing vet, Mark, into the world of fly fishing. Personally, I LOVE helping people learn how to cast and become proficient in the various aspects of fly fishing, especially hooking and fighting fish! So after a casting instruction, Jessica was ready to start her two days of fly fishing bliss! The weather was sunny and warm, with the only issue we faced here and there throughout the two days was the wind. But overall it was what makes living in Northern California in March fantastic -- sun tan weather! The fish didn't really start getting hungry until around 11am both days, but that's been pretty much the standard lately and wasn't at all surprising. On both days the fishing seemed to go through spurts and we got steady grabs throughout both days with only a few lulls here and there. But whenever we'd get to the point of going into the trout call, i.e., "here fishy fishy fish," we'd get a grab shortly after that. Jessica did such a great job over the two days going from never casting a fly rod to being a pro at it! Casting an bobber (indicator for all you fly fishing snobs), multiple flies, and some split shot can be a bit of a balance between finesse and power, but she crushed it. And both Mark and Jessica learned how going from getting a grab and putting a fish in the net is a bit more challenging, with both of them losing fish here and there. On the first day, Mark lost two really nice certified trout pigs just when we were getting ready to get the net out and Jessica learned quickly how important it is to keep a tight line. Not to mention those times when you seem to do everything right but those trout STILL manage to shake off. Tiny barbless flies make things a bit more challenging! Anyway, if you're reading this report you probably want to know, "What were they eating???" Well for one thing, we did not get a single fish to eat sucker spawn. So the yellow yarn / bead stuff didn't do us any good. But we caught fish on rubber legs, baetis, PMD's, and some black caddis stuff... plus the ultra-secret-only-in-my-boat-can-you-see-it flies... I'm a guide, what do you expect? Anyway, the two days were really fun and I'd describe the fishing as "good" and not "great" just because there were those lulls. But when it was "good," it was "great" and there were multiple spots where I'd row back up and we'd go through and hook another one... and another one... etc. It's time for you to get out there, so book a day ASAP!

Mark on the board!
Mark on the board!
Two hands required!
Two hands required!
A beautiful Lower Sac ‘bow!
A beautiful Lower Sac ‘bow!
Make sure your nails are done for these fish!
Make sure your nails are done for these fish!
When everything goes right on the ledges!
When everything goes right on the ledges!
Trout trolls live under the bridge.
Trout trolls live under the bridge.
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jul 29, 30, 31, Aug 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
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