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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Brown Trout on the Lower Sac?!?!?!: 5 stars

The 'ole trout factory kicked out some great fish today on the Lower Sac. I took Sean to the "land of the giants" up around the Sun Dial Bridge and the fishing couldn't have been any better as he hooked a fish on almost every single run. So we kept rowing up, casting, hooking a fish, fighting the fish, netting the fish, and grabbing a photo of the pretty ones. It was incredible. The PMD's started coming off and the fishing went from great to "red hot," a description I generally reserve for one month out of the year: October. While Sean lost a few of the fish he hooked, the vast majority of what grabbed his flies were put in the net. The moment that shall remain in fishing folklore and legend was when he hooked a monsterous fish that came up out of the water and made a big jump, to which I said,"Geez, that looks like a brown trout," but I thought it was maybe a sucker or a pikeminnow because everyone knows that there aren't any brown trout on the Sac. Except Sean fought this fish perfectly, we saw it jump once more, and he put a 22 inch brown trout in the net! Once we saw that it WAS a "buck-nasty brown," the adrenaline becgan pumping and we snatched a quick photo before sending it back to the bottom of the river. The nymph that it ate was bent almost in half and it was truly one of the coolest things to be a part of on that river. How that brownie didn't spit that half bent non-barbed jig hook blows my mind. Dozens of big 18inch fish hooked, PMD's everywhere, and sunny 70 degree weather make for a perfect day. The only thing that could have maybe topped it was if we caught a bonefish or something. Anyway, the top section of the Sac closes at the end of this month and I have a few days open in the next couple of weeks, so I recommend getting up here and trying to chase a unicorn or two. Who knows, maybe the good Lord will smile down upon you just like he did for Sean. 

Sean's 22inch brown trout
Sean's 22inch brown trout
Look at those black spots!
Look at those black spots!
PMD cruncher
PMD cruncher
Gorgeous colors on that 'bow!
Gorgeous colors on that 'bow!
Another PMD eater.
Another PMD eater.
Double hook up!
Double hook up!
20 inches of trout pig.
20 inches of trout pig.
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jul 29, 30, 31, Aug 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
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