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Lower Sac: , by Luke Geraty: Off the chain with grabs all day!: 4 stars

I had a chance to fish with Walt and Don today, two excellent anglers who I have guided in the past. I've got three words to describe our day: Off. The. Chain. It was game on the minute we got going and the fishing was great all the way until 3pm. Lost count on how many fish we landed and we also lost a decent amount of fish, many REALLY close to the net (the good 'ole SDR -- short distance release). The bite was awesome. Highlight of the day may have been catching a salmon on a nymph... yes, you read that correctly! Walt hooked a monster salmon that ATE his oh-so-tiny-and-secret-nymph and we were able to actually land it before quickly letting it go. Thank God for a 7 weight Sage fly rod! Low point was probably the moment we realized that it wasn't a big mean rainbow trout, but fighting a fish with such power is a good consolation prize! The egg bite has started and there are salmon all over the river now, so it would be worth your time to book a trip! The trout are eating! Hit me up for next week... I've got some openings.

We like 'em fat!
We like 'em fat!
One of many trout caught today.
One of many trout caught today.
Next 10 open days for Luke Geraty: Jul 29, 30, 31, Aug 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19
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