Trinity River: , by Andrew Harris: High Water Steelheading: 3 stars Trinity Lake is a little bit too full at the moment so the powers that be are releasing a lot of water into the Trinity River. The release from Lewiston Dam is 1,500cfs, which is five times the typical mid-winter 300cfs minimum flow. I initially thought the river would be unfishable at these flows, but I was wrong! The river is high and fast and crystal clear, but there are still plenty of good spots for fish to hold and for us to fish. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad it's not always like this! - but it is kind of fun to fish a favorite river in a new way. If you book a trip, be prepared for a lot of switching between left side and right side. Bring your A-Game because it really helps if you can identify the productive water types in time to make a cast! There is a healthy mix of trout-sized fish and adult fish in the river right now. Boat traffic is moderate to heavy because the only place to fish is the top 20 miles of river. However, with the speed of the current, the boats spread out really well and the boat traffic doesn't seem to be much of a factor when it comes to fishing success.  Colin with our first fish of the day Next 10 open days for Andrew Harris: |