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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Andrew Harris: 4 stars

The egg grab continues to be very good.  Fish are eating orange and apricot colored egg patterns throughout the day.  I guided Andrew from Napa and his buddy Tom from Maine today.  We spent a fair bit of time wading and it was very productive.  We hooked two of our biggest rainbows while wading.  Andrew lost a really big fish on an egg, but made up for it in the afternoon when he landed a huge rainbow on a dry fly.  Tom finished the day with a 20" rainbow on a dry.  We have a great variety of fishing right now.  This is the best egg grab I've seen in a few years - don't miss it!

Tom caught this one on an orange egg
Tom caught this one on an orange egg
Andrew fooled this one with a dry fly
Andrew fooled this one with a dry fly
Tom caught this on on a dry fly
Tom caught this on on a dry fly
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