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View All Fishing Reports

Trinity River: , by Andrew Harris: B.C. in your Back Yard: 4 stars

Randy Hamann and I spent the last two days scouting the lower sections of the Trinity River.  The river is loaded with salmon - they were everywhere.  But we also saw and hooked a good number of steelhead.  We landed three today and lost a couple more.  There are also plenty of jacks that are eager to strike flies.  Randy landed one about 4 pounds yesterday.  Randy hooked all of his fish on a floating line with a traditional steelhead fly on his 6wt spey rod.  I got my fish on a big leech on my 7wt spey rod.  The water is still high due to extra releases from Lewiston Lake, but it's scheduled to drop to the normal 450cfs release over the next few days.  Even with the water on the high side, conditions were perfect for swinging flies.  It only gets better as the water gets lower!  If you enjoy swinging flies with your spey rod, come up and book a trip with us soon.  I have a feeling that it's going to be a great steelhead year on the Trinity!

My first steelhead of the season
My first steelhead of the season
Randy with a chromer
Randy with a chromer
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