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Battle Creek: , by Andrew Harris: Excellent fishing: 3 stars

I spent the morning fishing our private stretch of Battle Creek with friend and fellow guide Mike Corley.  This stream is just amazing.  Here we are in the 2nd week of August and the water temperature is only 58 degrees!  Needless to say, the trout were very happy and eagerly ate our dry flies and nymphs.  Battle Creek isn't a big fish destination.  What it lacks in size, it makes up for in numbers.  I probably hooked fifty fish in about two hours of fishing.  Wild rainbows up to 10 inches rose readily to our grasshopper patterns and devoured our dropper nymphs.  The section of stream that we fished today is easy to wade and would make for an ideal introduction to fly fishing for a teenager.  Mike and I wet waded and never felt hot at all until we left the shaded canyon.

Battle Creek Rainbow
Battle Creek Rainbow
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