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View All Fishing Reports

Lower Sac: , by Andrew Harris: Temporary Emergency Closure: 3 stars

The 5.5 mile section of the Lower Sac from Keswick Dam to the Highway 44 Bridge will be closed to all fishing from April 27th through July 31st.  This emergency closure has been put in place to protect spawning winter run Chinook salmon.  They spawn primarily in this upper part of the river during the months of April, May, June & July.  Last year almost the entire run of winter run Chinook was lost due to high water temperatures in the late summer.  These fish are listed as endangered and the Lower Sac is the only place where they live in California.  The closure is only for this season and will not automatically be put in place in future years.
What impact will the closure have on our fishing program?  The closed area includes the popular Posse Grounds and Sundial Bridge area.  That will still be a popular float during the closure.  The only difference is that you can enjoy a 1-mile scenic boat ride before you get below Highway 44 where the river is open to fishing.  The float from the Posse Grounds to Anderson is 14 miles.  There are six full-day floats on the Lower Sac, and this closure only affects the uppermost float.   Missing 1 mile of 1 float for 90 days is an inconvenience, but very worthwhile if it helps the endangered winter run Chinook.
Come August 1st I think this closure will result in much better trout fishing and a healthier trout population for the long haul.  The closed area is the largest spawning area for resident trout on the Lower Sac.  These fish will be able to spawn without getting bothered by fishermen for once.  Hopefully the closure will also help get the endangered winter-run Chinook through a trying time.  More salmon means more and larger trout and a healthier river in general.
The Lower Sac has been fishing very well this spring.  Randy Hamann and I assisted with the 21-boat Project Healing Waters 2-pattern tournament yesterday.  Thanks to the Shasta-Trinity Fly Fishers, The Fly Shop, and Project Healing Waters for putting on a great event that benefits our veterans.  It was a fun day and 21 veterans got to experience the pull of wild rainbow trout on the end of their line! 

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